Freedom. Safety. NOW! 2.0

Friday, March 8, 2013 10 am-12 pm
10:00 am Gather at First Ave and 42nd St
10:30 am Walk to Dag Hammarskjold Plaza: Walk across 42nd to Third Ave, up to 47th St, back across 47th St. to First Avenue
11:15a Rally

Take a stand against sexual violence globally and regionally:
Call for just reform of India’s rape laws

On International Women’s Day, March 8, join the Center for Women’s Global Leadership, Association for Women’s Rights in Development; United Methodist Women, the Women & Global Migration Working Group, and SAWCC in calling for meaningful and just reform of India’s rape laws.

Our action will take place at the United Nations, during the UN Commission on the Status of Women.

We are inviting people of all backgrounds and abilities to join our effort and stand in solidarity with protesters in India at this critical moment.

Ways you can participate:

Come, march, listen to speakers, make your body visible, support the efforts of women everywhere.

Learn the simple chant (1-2 FREEDOM | 1-2 SAFETY | 1-2 NOW!) and join in the chanting and clapping segment.
Bring pots/pans to bang on, cymbals or gongs to play, or bells to ring (No loudspeakers or amplifying devices).

Take a look at our planned movement sequence during the rally:

If you’d like to learn the sequence and join in, here is a rough-and-ready tutorial:

We’ll do the sequence 2-3 times. If possible, please wear black with a red accessory.

We need volunteer leaders: If you’d like to help lead others in the movement sequence, e-mail